"The family is the natural and fundamental element of society and has the right to the protection of society and the State"
Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"Men and women are equal before the law, which will protect the organization and development of the family"
Article 4 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
"The family is the first essential cell of human society"
Pope John XXIII.
At DEFEND Abogados, we truly believe that the correct usage of the Law is essential to safeguard and protect the integrity of the family, their rights and provide them with the necessary support whenever they truly need it. Therefore, it is tremendously important (not to say fundamental) to understand the importance of “Family Law” in Mexico, as well as how it works.
In our last Information Capsule (which you will find on our official Facebook page and we fully invite you to watch it), we talk about the rights of the minors based on the case of "Clara". In this case, a Rarámuri girl with leukemia had a transfusion ordered by the SCJN because the parents refused to do it due to their religious beliefs. In this video, we talk about some important points that make up Family Rights; therefore, we decided to dig deeper with this article to show you how important it is (in addition to the legal services that Defend Abogados has at your disposal).
What is Family Law?
Also called Family Rights, these refer to all the rights and norms that "regulate the personal and patrimonial relationships of the members of the family" *. In other words, these rights protect the family, as well as each one of its members (which may vary depending on whether it is a nuclear family, a single parent, an assembled family, etc.).
The best known are those that have to do with conjugal and kinship relationships, specifically, to define and establish what kind of relationships the members should lead. For example, in a divorce scenario it must be established what kind of relationship would be taken between the parents and the children, who will take custody, alimony, etc.
What can it do for me?
In DEFEND, we provide you with Advisory Services in various topics related to:
+ Regime of conjugal partnership
+ Liquidation of conjugal societies
+ Voluntary and unilateral divorces
+ Pensions
+ Custody
+ Agreements with minors
+ Wills
+ Family Trials
+ And many others...
At DEFEND Abogados, we seek for every family and member to enjoy freely all their rights without any impediment. Therefore, we guarantee that, when working with us, you will have the advice of professional lawyers and specialists in the field, ensuring your peace of mind.
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